
Red Box Financial

Keith Griggs FCA - Your Fractional CFO Partner Will Help You Unlock Business Growth Through Data Driven Financial Expertise

Elevate your business with fractional CFO Services from Keith Griggs FCA, Deloitte-trained Chartered Accountant with over 20 years of industry experience

  • Strategic financial planning
  • Dynamic cash flow forecasts and strategies
  • Bespoke KPI dashboards for informed decision making
  • Profit Improvement Strategies
  • Management accounts with insightful analysis
  • Ratio analysis and graphs to show what is really going on with your business

These are the types of report below that we can include in our monthly reporting pack. The exact reports will produce will be designed in conjunction with you specifically for your business. 

We also provide full range of accounting services (bookkeeping,  VAT, year end tax filing, payroll  etc)

My Unique Qualifications:

✅Qualified as a chartered accountant at Deloitte in London

✅Full time CFO experience with companies £30 to £56m turnover

✅Group financial controller (number two to the FD) for companies up to £248m turnover

✅Group Accountant for massive corporations (Canon European holding company , and FTSE 100 company Johnson Matthey PLC)

✅MA in Law and Philosophy from Cambridge University

✅Serial entrepreneur with multiple successful ventures

✅Recognized finance authority featured 7 times on BBC and Sky Business News

✅Social media influencer with 1.9M+ views

The Redbox Financial Advantage:

✅Big Four expertise applied to your growing business

✅Blend of corporate and entrepreneurial experience

✅Data-driven strategies for sustainable growth

Contact me to see if you qualify for a totally free, no obligation
business health check

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