Red Box Financial
Specialising in tax minimisation, accountancy services, business advisory services, financial consultancy services, digital marketing consultancy, insurance, mortgages, getting finance, freelance writing, consultancy, and coaching.

If you have disposed of any crypto currencies then you will have either made a gain or a loss. Gains will have to be reported to HMRC . If you have any losses these need to be quantified and reported, as you may be able to offset them against gains, and reduce your tax.
Disposals include buying goods and services, or swapping for fiat currency or other crypto currencies.
HMRC are starting to target crypto, and can go back 20 years. Crypto exchanges are feeding them information.
It is vital that you keep on top of this, and get the help of a crypto tax expert who can help you navigate this without disaster. Disaster could include massive tax charges after you have spent all your profits leading to bankruptcy, and possibly even jail if there is fraud involved.
Please message me using the chatbox to discuss your situation with me (Keith Griggs FCA).